Lately, I go to my altar not to pray, or to listen well to inner instincts and otherworldly messages. I don't go to meditate or to do something. I go and sit. And, when I sit long enough and quietly enough, I can hear, taste, touch and feel my blessings.
I don’t need a gratitude journal or other methods to try to identify all the good things in life. I just let myself sit with the wise, kind, caring, guiding and in-order elders of spirit.
They teach me who I need to be to myself and how to love myself, as they love me, and when I love myself enough--which might be only a little that day, I experience my blessings; that of being alive.
When I let myself acknowledge, feel and experience all the blessings that I am and becoming, the blessings that I have, engage with and am part of, then showing up for myself comes easier, sometimes, even easily.
I also recognize how I get in my own way. How my blessings are in me, with me, around me and for me. I just need to be willing to sit in them, with them and to know and feel them.
To be clear, blessings aren’t things we have or simply “manifest”. In some ways, blessings have little to do with us, our desires, personalities, hopes or human syndromes.
Blessings are not “vibes” or shallow efforts to be thankful, or what we try "to do" when life feels hard.
Blessings and unfolding blessings are about communing with the universe and life force and being present in the movement of all things.
We don’t have to search after or want for blessings; they are present in all matters—material and immaterial. In stillness, knowingness and beingness, we can become aware of blessings.
Blessings are a divine type of serendipity present in the ethers and in the life force which unfolds in a non-linear, non-human dominant and uncontrollable manner. Blessings honour all of us. No one is kept from them. The universe is the Great Mystery and we learn that what is meant for us is in us, with us and for us.
*This teaching does not negate ongoing global inequities or the systems of oppression that we live in, enforce, uphold, resist and embody. Those under siege due to poverty, gender-based violence, nationalism and militarization are often BIPOC, 2SLGBTQ+ and those differently abled who are the most affected by ongoing colonial greed and other forms of late-stage capitalist violence.
Seeking to have a spiritual practice "separate from" the lived realities, experiences and needs of folks who are marginalized is harmful. Holding a multitude of truths in our quest for inner and outer resistance and peace is imperative, as well as doing the work.
We must confront how our systems of oppression endeavour to keep most BIPOC and 2SLGBTQ+ peoples throughout the world away from their blessings, (em)powers, ancestral knowledge, sacred medicine and birthright to freedom.
It is important in our spiritual practices to actively learn about, confront and disrupt systems of oppression. Supporting others in accessing the resources they require for connectivity and blessings--in keeping with their requests and what is appropriate for them individually and socio-culturally; is important not only for eradicating systems, language and behaviours of harm but also for ensuring the survival and longevity of blessings.
We are made to experience blessings together. Shared blessings are the best of all! For those of us privileged enough to experience safety, sitting at our altars and being present with life is important, but, we must also work tirelessly for equity for all, because that is our responsibility for receiving the blessing of being alive.
For those of us going to our altars to sit, learning how to show up for and love ourselves and working on our willingness, readiness and ableness to receive blessings; I offer something to sit with, reflect on, or repeat:
“When I go to the sanctuary, I find all that I am and all that we are together.
May I see, know and feel my blessings--that of being alive--and other great miracles.
May I remember that blessings know me by name and understand my heart.
Blessings are finding me in this place, right here and right now.
I accept and receive blessings and seek to be a blessing to all in all that I say and do”.

©Rebecca Rogerson, 2023
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