Ancestor Speaks:
"Help each other. This is what you are made to do, to help each other. To help the wind and the stars, rocks and craters, trees and leaves, cats and caves, your family and ALL families. Ah, you have all forgotten this. You help hoping that there will be something more there for you, hoping you will leave with something better.
When you help, your cells come alive. Your heart knows no bounds and your breath runs across the universe. This is because you are alive to help.
In your language, 'help' is to do something for someone else. Ah, this is incorrect. Helping is to give your life imprint onto something and someone. Helping is sharing life force, is sharing connection. It is holy. It is what you call sacred.
You cannot be ordered to help. You have many laws (religious) about helping, but even this cannot make you help, well. You cannot be told or forced to help, if you follow this way, then you will always ask for something from who or what you help. You will always search to be remembered and thanked.
Ah, but if you know you are made to help, that it is part of your bones and thoughts, cells and vision for all living and aliveness, ah, then you will realize it is 'natural' and born in you and can be reborn if you just follow this.
There will always be opportunities to help, even in your crazy world, there will be opportunities anywhere and everywhere to give and honour life force and to share all that you are and have; even what you carry, that you cannot see or fully understand.
Never turn away from help and helping, actually, seek opportunities to help. This does not mean carrying groceries for an older person, this is not helping, this is part of what you call ethics or laws.
We speak of helping, meaning, your purpose, and your being, you are made to help! Ah, so what does this mean?! It means to live from this and in this. A job cannot be a job. It is always helping. Preparing food is not just 'cooking', it is helping. Prayers, words, and thoughts, they are all helping. But they are only helping if you understand the true nature of helping. If you understand your nature. In your universe, everything helps everything else to grow
Trees and leaves fall and become 'compost' for flowers and homes for bugs. Every 'chemical' affects every 'chemical' and muscle every muscle. Ah, the heart is a good teacher about helping.
One 'thing' cannot work without helping another. This is the law of universes. When you understand this, you understand that by not helping you go against yourself, life and the universe.
This is why there is so much peril now. If you are not taught to honour life and how to honour life and how helping is life, how can you expect to live fully? How can you expect everyone and everything to be cared for? Ah, you cannot!
If you 'live' in your head and your thinking. If you focus on what you want and how you will get it; this will rob you of life.
One person truly understanding helping and living this way, ah, this can change so much, because helping aids helping and makes things work, move and grow better.
Do you understand this? Do you feel this? Ah, how will you start by understanding helping, and then, how will you go forward?"
Transmitted on September 10, 2023

©Rebecca Rogerson 2023