"Call on your ancestors for help. Ah, there are those whose 'job' is to assist you. To take you through your life in a proper way, and, if you receive their wisdom and our guidance; then you may do the same for others one day too.
You see, we're given the task, 'the job' shortly after we pass [one year after dying, more or less], to help. Ah, and your life is not your own. No! We must help you to help others, family and those who we call to help.
Ah, see, we are working here, you there, us here, but remember, there is no 'you', or 'us', and no 'here', or 'there'. Dreams are your inter-connector. This is a time (when you dream), that you can see and listen, clearly. If you aren't full of 'sick thinking', then the dreams are clear and show you and give you clarity.
We are here, ah, I am 'standing' here, now, with you. Speaking as clearly as your husband to you!
Ah, and people still don't believe...they are afraid, they don't want to know the truth. They hide from themselves and their ancestors, even when we have found them and stand over/with them.
Know who you are.
Culture can help you to access all of this. Ah, but if you don't want to see us, to hear us and know us--ah, what is there to do?!
You must choose us, and not your meek ideas. You want to put everything in everything somewhere [categorize]. You want everything decided and known! Ah, lies! This is not how it is! Not for you and not for 'us'.
Cross over the line you have learned about 'life' and 'death'. All the silly nonsense you are given about 'spirit'. Ah, its nonsense!
Don't allow people to steal your attention, to tell you how things are and should be. Experience ancestors and all those that help and serve [spirit helpers]. Give way for truthful learning. Ah, you cannot learn this in books ad on your things [through screens]. Ah, it is through living.
We are here, now, ah, we are speaking to anyone [laughs]. Ah, ha, just to have any of you listen, because so few are! Ah, this one [referring to the author], ah, who cares about skin?! We choose he because her spirit is willing. She will listen. Ah, she loves us, so much. She is still very young, but she listens.
Ah, stop burning everything down, listen, see us, right here! ah, you know conflict can occur for us too. We serve each of you. Have you forgotten this?
Ah, come back, let us be seen. Ah, let us help you. See us."
Check out my blog Dreams and Dreaming: What Does it All Mean?
Check out my IG LIVE: Dreams and Dreaming: Interpretation and Q&A
Check out another ancestral message: Dreaming and the Healer
Please don't just drop me a DM asking for dream interpretation, if you want help and support with dreaming medicine and dream interpretation book a session. You owe yourself and your ancestors that attention and care.
©Rebecca Rogerson, 2021