"Ah, you cannot expect things to move right if you are running around, going with this one and going with that one. No, you cannot. Ah, this sickness that is running through the world, is not the worst thing for many of you, it is keeping you at home! Ah, ha. But now instead of staring at your thingy [screens], you must be focusing, really focusing. Ah, 'focusing on what?'. Ah, you know, you know what you are ignoring and what you need to do. What needs to be taken care of? Its time. You are putting off the things that will help your way and light your path. You sit in darkness hoping it will pass. No, you must get up and search for the light! Make the light and keep it going! AH, you wonder why this relationship is no good, why this one is fighting with you, why this and this won't come right...ah, we know, we all know why?! Ah, because you do not sit still long enough to care for the proper things in your life. Ah, like the things between your legs! Wash it properly with the plants. Ah, pray properly not lazy...quick and fast. Clean out your stomach and get your thinking right! Ah, you wanted me to be so kind in telling you everything, to tell you what you want to hear. Ah, you must know by now that we [ancestors] do not do this. Ah, it's our job to help you, but when you don't help yourselves ah then what?! you are sick and we are struggling too. Ah, when your own helpers are sick then you are in big trouble. trouble so big you don't even see it. you are too busy looking at this one and that one. 'What will I buy, what do I want, how will I have him?'...Ah, wasting, just wasting your time there. Not making use to help yourself and to help your family. You see? ah, I don't like to speak this way [angrily], it makes me upset to speak this way to you. We are standing here, right beside you, right now and you still don't see us. You keep asking all these different people, 'what must I do?' Ah, wasting time, wasting and wasting. You know what you must do. you know why your life is this way and if you don't then listen up! Your life is this way because you are focused on all the wrong things. you are not focused on your path, what you are here to do, or what you must do. All you care about is what you want. What you desire. Ah, its like a young child, but worse! You are here for more than you. you are here for us too! You are here to do work much bigger than you can see. You must trust this. It is not simply, 'God's plan', as you call it. No, these are not plans, they are paths, and the paths must be open and The People must be following their paths. If they don't there can be no joining and no joining means no unity, and no unity and upheaval. Big upheavals that can all be taken care of if all of you are doing your path. Following what you are meant to do. Ah, instead you get desperate and choose a path or trust anyone to tell you what to do. But you don't listen to your spirit and to your ancestors for answers. You misread everything because you overthink. Your thinking is now your downfall. you think you are so smart. Ah, no. Smart means you listen nicely and do what you are meant to do. Imagine! If everyone was doing this The People would be joined and there would not be the problems in the world that you have now. The People would be much better. But no. Confusion, despair, 'help me', many of you cry but you are not in danger and you do not want to hear the cries of your ancestors offering to help you, to lift you up, to clean your path, to love you. Ah, what must we do? Give you some small crumb about protection, ah no, you are more vulnerable than you realize. you do not even know what is really going on in your world, you really have no idea and if we speak too clearly, you will be afraid and in danger. So, 'protection' as you call it, ah, this is about living in the best way you can. It is not about things, and how many love or leave you, hate you or support you, ah no, it is about following your path, and supporting others to do the same. AH, today, start by cleaning up your home. Clean it well. Sing while you do it. Sweep and wash out all the old stuff that keeps you busy with thinking and that stops you from moving ahead; that keeps you stuck. yes, clean all that out. Then clean yourself, nicely, with plants and oils, flowers and soil. the present yourself to your ancestors, ready and prepared. Cover your head when you do so, and bow to them in humility, let them see you and your home clean and tell them you are ready for a new path. A path of knowledge, skill, of beauty and of unity. Tell them their food nourishes you, their lessons are valuable and that you want them. Yes, say this with a true heart, and then wait, wait to be shown what you must do next. Ah, you want protection?! Don't be silly and waste more time and what you call money."
© Rebecca Rogerson, 2021