Our Practice
We facilitate healing for individuals, couples, families and communities of all backgrounds, through anti-oppression-based and trauma-responsive spiritual, emotional and psychosocial guidance, care and support.
Intuitive readings and whole-being support occur in a safe spiritual space to serve, heal and mend you and your interrelationships, including those with your ancestors.
Through powerful healing methods; systemic emotional, spiritual, psychic, physical, intergenerational and ancestral issues and gifts are identified and addressed.
We specialize in comprehensive clairvoyant readings and provide budding, new, and established healers and helpers with clarity, tools, and support.
Generosity of spirit and radical encouragement as well as deep-seated kindness and honest help, are the foundations of our healing practice.

Traditional South African Healing
A Sangoma is one type of traditional South African healer who holds an esteemed and influential position in society as a counsellor, herbalist, physician, spiritual advisor, mediator, ancestral helper and more.
The well-being of an individual, their interrelationships and their community should be the focus of any properly trained Sangoma, who works to restore and maintain health and healing on every level. This, of course, requires a multifaceted approach, whereby ancestors are the pinnacle of these practices. I collaborate with in-order ancestors and spirit helpers--yours and mine--in all healing processes.
I am a legitimately trained and experienced Sangoma, oracle, healer and counsellor and have been practicing for almost 30 years in Botswana, South Africa and Canada. I am passionate, committed, dedicated and respectful of this work and live by the principle, heal, do no harm.
Our sessions will leave you with a practical way forward, clarity, and a feeling of connection and empowerment.
I will not waste your time or resources.

Oracle Readings
Initial Consultation
The first consultation involves throwing the bones or, in order ancestors and spirit kin speak directly with or through Rebecca to offer clarity and support.
There may also be a counselling component to the session. How the knowledge and support are offered is dictated by the ancestors --yours and mine. Sessions occur either in person or via Zoom.
This process allows for a full assessment of you and a "worldview" of your life. I need only your surname and prefer not to have any prior knowledge about you or why you are coming to see me.
Please ensure that if doing a remote session, you are in a quiet and undisturbed space without other people and distractions, otherwise, it will affect the clarity and outcome of the reading.
In our sessions, detailed and comprehensive messages, insights, suggestions and guidance are conveyed as well as clear next steps. Communication occurs in a manner that will speak to your heart, beliefs, issues and concerns.
A good reading should make sense to you, as well as validate senses, feelings, inklings or give you confirmation. Remember, because the reading may address immediate or much longer-term matters; the content of the reading will unfold in its own way over time.
The Sangoma is the conduit, therefore, the ancestors and spirit-helpers will convey what is needed for a person at the time. Sometimes difficult things can be conveyed. If you need additional support, please book a follow-up session.

Oracle Readings
There are numerous ways a healer speaks with spirit. The predominant method among Zangoma is throwing the bones. They are an assortment of bones and sacred objects obtained during the apprenticeship process and sometimes beyond.
During an in-person oracle session or, 'throwing the bones', the patient blows on the sacred items to imprint their life-breath/life-print, and that of their ancestors. In consultation with the ancestors, they are then"read”.
An in-depth, accurate and comprehensive reading follows and details of your life are revealed. No stone is left unturned.
The bones provide clarity on all issues, concerns, wants and needs, often in the order of pertinence. There is an opportunity to ask questions and receive spirit-informed answers at the end of the session.
Throwing the bones is a transformative experience that can reveal past, current and future insights, including potential challenges and future blessings.
Amathambo goes much deeper than most divination tools and is a unique method that is part of Southern African Indigenous Knowledge Systems which have existed since time immemorial.
The healer utilises their unique gifting and ancestral and spirit-informed connections to convey knowledge and guidance.

We offer comprehensive healing services that incorporate your socio-cultural and ancestral background.
Ûž Throwing the Bones: This is a profound Southern African divination method that facilitates an in-depth and comprehensive oracle reading to get to the heart of all matters.
Ûž Ancestral identification, rectification and collaboration through practices that are appropriate and specific to you for improved interrelationships, life path, career, luck, protection, wellness and more.
Ûž Trauma-responsive and whole-being-focused counselling.
Ûž Embodied approaches and release work for mental, emotional, physical and psychic pain, wounding and trauma
Ûž Cleansing, purification and protection for individuals, couples, families, cars, homes and businesses.
Ûž Prevention, treatment and care for whole-being wellness through traditional healing methods.
Ûž Herbal knowledge and herbal treatment from wild and cultivated herbal medicine, directly from our farm.
Ûž Individual and communal socio-culturally appropriate rituals and ceremonies.
Ûž Visioning practices for a clearer path.
Ûž Grounded and skilful energy work.
Ûž Impactful tools for identifying and pursuing your calling and career endeavours.
Ûž Learning opportunities and mentorship.
Ûž Seminars, workshops, and educational presentations and program facilitation.
We specialize in providing clarity, direction, vision and encouragement to healers, helpers and empaths at all stages of their journeys. I am also called to support others in their work with umndawe and water spirits/deities.

Treatment, Care and Support
Treatment methods vary widely according to your needs and ancestral directives. The most widely practiced is the use of herbalism, ritual and ceremony.
As plants are understood to have sacred powers, ingestion, bathing, topical application, infusions, inhalants, snuff, washing mixtures, poultices and emetics are some techniques used.
Problems ranging from discord in the home to major medical illnesses are treated. A strong emphasis is placed on a person's whole being. Psycho-social, emotional and spiritual integration is part of care. Ongoing counselling and/or ritual and ceremony may also be involved.
Because one size doesn't fit all, I incorporate your specific ancestral and socio-cultural requirements in prevention, care and support. I am responsive to your needs.
If suggestions are offered; following through with them is key to achieving balance and positive outcomes.
The herbal medicine we provide has either been carefully collected in the wild or has been grown lovingly from seed to maturity on our farm.